Our Vision

We desire to be a place where anyone can walk in and be loved and accepted as they are. As we know in life, many people do not like change. And yet if we are honest, everyone changes throughout life. God desires for us to change. To change in a way to be better at the way we live, and for life to be better.
The best way we can do that is to surrender to Him and pursue Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. That is part of why we exist as a church family. To challenge each other to surrender to and to pursue Him. Once a person has made that decision we get to gain another focus.
That focus to discipleship. Growing in a way to know God more intimately, know His design for life and have help living life devoted to Him. Discipleship is more of a long-term process than a finish line. It is great to have markers along the way, but we should always desire to be growing as long as we have the breathe of life in us.
As we move along the discipleship path, we get to explore more and more what God has blessed us with. As we discover those blessings and gifts, the best thing we can do is put them into practice and use them. Ministry is not something only for staff. Ministry should be a way of life for all followers of Jesus.